age group - youth

Civic Democratic Initiative Support Foundation- CDF

General Information
Fields of Interest (Focus Areas): 
Democratic and Civil Rights and conflict resolutions
Organisation Objectives: 
Strength democratic and civic initiative in the Yemen society through Democratic Values, Human Rights principles and Equal Opportunities.
Organisation Activities (Completed and ongoing Projects): 
1- Good Governance (Decentralization, Judiciary programs). 2- Democracy (Civic education, Increasing democracy participation, Monitoring) 3. Women’s Rights(Eliminating early marriage camping ( Advocacy and Lobbying), Resisting Violence Against women- VAW, Rural Women Human Rights and Economic Empowerment , Judicial and Cultural VAW Resisting integration within Rural Yemen social Systems Project) 4- Policy(NGOs Law Amendments, Parliamentarians Awareness Raising and Legislation Lobbying, 5-Shadow Reports) 6- Tribal Conflict Resolution 7- Youth
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
Govermental Licence Details: 
Govermental licence confirmed: 
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Civil Participation
Conflict Management
Governance, Institutional Development
Human Rights
Local Economic Development, Employment Generation
Media and Information
Protection / Rule of Law
Rural Development
Training and Organizational Support
Youth Child Care
Target Group: Gender, Age, Disabilities: 
gender - female
gender - male
age group - children
age group - youth
age group - elderly
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Ad Dali
Al Bayda
Al Hudaydah
Al Jawf
Al Mahrah
Al Mahwit
Amanat Al Asimah
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
Sultana Al-Jeham
Contact Person's Postion: 
Executive Director
Contact eMail Address :

مؤسسة الأجيال للتنمية - اليمن - Allageal Foundation For Development - Yemen

General Information
Fields of Interest (Focus Areas): 
مؤسسة شبابية - طوعية - تنموية - حقوقية
Organisation Objectives: 
1. إيجاد جيل واعي ومثقف . 2. تنمية قدرات الشباب في كافة المجالات . 3. تعميق مبدأ الولاء الوطني ونبذ التطرف والإرهاب والعصبية القبلية . 4. تعزيز العمل الطوعي في نفوس الشباب . 5. نشر ثقافة الحوار البناء والتسامح والإيثار. 6. تعزيز مفاهيم الديمقراطية وحقوق الإنسان. 7. رفع مستوى الوعي لدى المهمشين والعمل على دمجهم في المجتمع.
Organisation Activities (Completed and ongoing Projects): 
عدد من الأنشطة التي قامت بها المؤسسة • المعرض التشجيري و الهندسي الأول بذمار . • حملة التوعية بأضرار المخدرات لطلاب وطالبات المدارس الثانوية بذمار . • حملة الإرشاد الزراعي بمديريات عنس ومغرب عنس وعتمه بمحافظة ذمار ومديرية القفر بمحافظة إب. • دورات تأهيلية لأعضاء المؤسسة وجمعية الوفاء الخيرية بذمار. • رعاية حفل تخرج دفعة الأجيال بالمعهد العالي للعلوم الصحية – قسم الصيدلة . • ندوات ومحاضرات في حقوق الطفل ، حقوق المرأة ، مفاهيم حقوق الإنسان ، التمييز العنصري ، المواثيق والبروتوكولات الدولية والمحلية لحقوق الإنسان ، ذمار. • برنامج الصحة والسعادة والنجاح ، برنامج تدريبي ، ذمار ، د/ عبد الغني سكندر . • المشاركة في برنامج ليالي المنوعات الخيري وتوزيع كسوة اليتيم خلال شهر رمضان المبارك وعيد الأضحى • العديد من الأنشطة والحملات التوعوية والشبابية الحقوقية والتشجيرية . • المشاركة في العديد من الورش والمؤتمرات المحلية والدولية كان آخرها المشاركة في مؤتمر حوار الحضارات بمدينة الدوحة – قطر . • برنامج إعداد محاضرين لعدد من القيادات الشابة بذمار. • حملة (وطني أرقى) تضمن نظافة لعدد من شوارع المحافظة وبرامج توعوية في نشر ثقافة الحوار ومفاهيم الديمقراطية والسلام والإيثار . • حملة (أدلي بصوتك) للتوعية بأهمية الانتخابات الرئاسية المبكرة . • إقامة أمسيات شعرية وقصصية وندوات ثقافية بذمار . • برنامج إعداد مدربين في مجال حقوق الإنسان .
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
Govermental licence confirmed: 
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Civil Participation
Climate and Environmental Protection
Governance, Institutional Development
Human Rights
Media and Information
Refugees and IDPs
Rural Development
Water and Sanitation
Youth Child Care
Target Group: Gender, Age, Disabilities: 
gender - female
gender - male
age group - children
age group - youth
age group - elderly
special needs
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Al Bayda
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
رياض عبدالعزيز صريم
Contact Person's Postion: 
رئيس المؤسسة
Contact eMail Address :
Jobs / Internships / Volunteers
Time Period: 
من 2012 وحتى 2014 م
Needed Skills: 
التعاون والدعم ورفد البرامج التي تقوم بها المؤسسة بالكتيبات أو المنشورات أو المطبوعات التي تخص وتفيد مثل تلك البرامج
Learning Possibilities: 
التدريب على : برامج حقوق الإنسان مهارات العرض والإلقاء التوعية بأضرار المخدرات تدريب مدربين التوعية بالسن الآمن للزواج كيف تحقق ذاتك وترتقي في الحياة الاتصال والتواصل إستراتيجية النجاح برنامج كيف تحصل على الصحة والسعادة والنجاح

مؤسسسة الأجيال مؤسسة شبابية تأسست في 19 / 4 / 2008م
يعمل بها شباب من خيرة شباب محافظة ذمار في إطار العمل الطوعي الشبابي والذي يهدف إلى ترسيخ مبادئ العمل الطوعي وإيجاد جيل واعي ومثقف مبادر للعمل والخير
برغم عدم إصدار التصريح إلا أن المؤسسة عملت في عدة مجالات منها حقوق الإنسان والحملات التوعوية بترسيخ مبادئ الديمقراطية ومفاهيم التسامح والإيثار وفي المجال الزراعي أيضاً الاهتمام بالمواهب الشبابية في الجانب الأدبي والثقافي والإنشادي والغنائي
كما أنها قدمت العديد من البرامج والدورات التدريبية في مجالات التنمية البشرية وإعداد محاضرين وتدريب مدربين وفي المجال القيادي والإداري

Erada organization for Development

General Information
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
Govermental Licence Details: 
Govermental licence confirmed: 
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Civil Participation
Governance, Institutional Development
Human Rights
Local Economic Development, Employment Generation
Training and Organizational Support
Youth Child Care
Target Group: Gender, Age, Disabilities: 
age group - children
age group - youth
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Al Hudaydah
Amanat Al Asimah
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
Nabil Kassim Al-Hakami
Contact Person's Postion: 
Executive Manager
Contact eMail Address :

nama micro finance program

General Information
Fields of Interest (Focus Areas): 
About Nama Nama microfinance Program was established in 2000 after the signing of a cooperation agreement between United Nations (UNDP) and the Charitable Society for social welfare (sponsored authority) in capital Secretariat– Sana'a – yemen. Our vision the lead in financing small and smaller enterprises for the poor and the unemployed of both sexes to become the institution most capable of reduction of poverty , unemployment and achieve sustainable development . Our mission Contribute to the reduction of un employment and poverty alleviation through the provision of a continuous Series of soft loans to small entrepreneurs and smaller ways of Islamic finance for Cooperation with governmental organizations and civil wheel payment of local development.
Organisation Objectives: 
Objective • Increase the work force in small enterprises , thus easing the unemployment rate. • Increase the income of individuals and poor families and improve the standard of living . • Support and empowerment women's economic . • Contribute to the fight against poverty and the negative implications on the lives and future of this family
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
Govermental licence confirmed: 
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Small and Micro Enterprises Development
Target Group: Gender, Age, Disabilities: 
gender - female
gender - male
age group - youth
age group - elderly
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Al Hudaydah
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
Contact Person's Postion: 
Contact eMail Address :

ALMethag Dev.&socialty Association

General Information
Fields of Interest (Focus Areas): 
Charter Association of Social Development youth organization independent non-profit organization was founded by a group of young men and young women from the province of Marib and were granted a permit number (451) from the Office of Social Affairs and Labour on 07.15.2006 AD Vision: Leadership in the rehabilitation and capacity building of youth Marib Message: We seek association development to community development through the rehabilitation and empowerment of youth, training and capacity building. Values: - Transparency - The continued development - Community participation - Commitment to Community message: Work with young people and for young people
Organisation Objectives: 
Objectives: - Enable young people to acquire the skills necessary to join the labor market. - To contribute to a culture of moderation and rejection of extremism. - Improve the overall situation of young people socially, culturally and politically. - Networking and coordination with local and foreign companies operating in Yemen in the field of community development.
Organisation Activities (Completed and ongoing Projects): 
Programs of the Association: 1 - Empowerment Program  Objective: - to contribute to youth empowerment and activation of their participation in community development  Number of those who were targeted in the program activities (108) people Implemented now, the Assembly of the Charter of the draft community mobilization in partnership with the response, which mainly targets the rehabilitation of 100 young men and women on democratic participation and social actors for the development of communities and is a sub-participation of 400 young men and women make up the twentieth community group and the target indirect twentieth community in the province of Marib 2 - a program from conflict to development  Objective: - To contribute to the reduction of the impact of conflict on human development and in the province of Marib  Number of those who were targeted 6330 people 3 - Culture and Society program  Objective: - Raising awareness of cultural and health among young people  Number of those who were targeted in the program activities (385) people 4 - Takaful  Objective: - to contribute to alleviate the suffering of poor families  Number of those who were targeted in the program activities (720) people  project was implemented in the distribution of clothes and the youth aimed at children of both sexes about 6000 people / blankets and Tarahat targeting about 300 families (in partnership with the Organization of Islamic Relief funding the Islamic Cultural Center - Panama)
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
Govermental Licence Details: 
Govermental licence confirmed: 
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Civil Participation
Human Rights
Training and Organizational Support
Target Group: Gender, Age, Disabilities: 
gender - female
gender - male
age group - youth
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
huseen ali alsubaiy
Contact Person's Postion: 
President of the organization
Contact eMail Address :

Al Khair Foundation for Social Development

General Information
Fields of Interest (Focus Areas): 
1. Training & Rehabilitation of Yemeni Youth. 2. Illiteracy Eradication. 3. Women's Sewing Shops. 4. Needy Families Donations.
Organisation Objectives: 
1. To develop a real partnership between the private and government sectors aimed at building the capabilities and skills of the youth. 2. Motivate the young, guide them into making the optimum use of time and to improve their knowledge in basic sciences such as Marketing, Computers, English language, and Work Ethics. 3. Backup the National Campaign for Eradicating Illiteracy through promoting the education of girls and mothers who have been deprived of education since childhood. 4. Establish specialized Youth Development Centers / Institutes to enable the youth to contribute to sustainable development. 5. Provide free (intensive) training courses in the fields of Tourist Guiding & Driving to the youth of specific local communities in Marib, Al Jawf and Shabwah as a first stage, with special focus on English language and Work Ethics, to help them secure appropriate jobs. 6. Cooperate and coordinate with other academic institutions towards developing the capabilities of the youth. 7. Supplement the labor market (both, locally, and in GCC countries) with qualified & well-trained young generation, geared up with the right tools such as language, computer skills and other essential crafts. 8. Rehabilitate the illiterate women of rural areas through teaching them reading & writing and training them on various crafts such as sewing, embroidery and other handicrafts, thus enabling them to be self-reliant and capable of providing basic clothing to their families.
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
Govermental Licence Details: 
Govermental licence confirmed: 
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Training and Organizational Support
Target Group: Gender, Age, Disabilities: 
age group - youth
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Al Jawf
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
Haifa Almaqtari
Contact Person's Postion: 
Program Coordinator
Contact eMail Address :

Yemeni Center for Diplomatic Studies&International Realtions

General Information
Fields of Interest (Focus Areas): 
Diplomatic Studies & Interantional Raltions, The significance of the Center stems from the accelerated developments imposed by globalization in different directions. Its establishment came also as a result of the concrete changes in the Arab world and in the World as a whole at the political, economical, cultural, security and human levels especially those changes that took place after the end of the Cold War and the possibility of its recurrence. This incited those in charge of private and public organizations including political, military and economical coalitions to pay more attention to research centers. In this regard, we are fully aware to establish this center to help find the effective mechanism that work to provide the proper data on the proper time. Undoubtedly, this will help decision makers to carry out their duties and take proper decisions on the basis of visionary views and thus to help achieve the national objectives the concerned authorities are trying to achieve.
Organisation Objectives: 
The main objective is to publish studies and articles about diplomacy and international relations, settling international problems and conflicts trough peaceful means. The Center will concentrate on conducting studies about Arabic and international economical and political coalitions. It will also focus on the significance of joint Arabic cooperation and Arabic regional congregations. - Establish a special digital and non-digital library that provides reference books in the diplomatic, strategic and international relations fields. - In addition, the Center aims to disseminate modern diplomacy-based knowledge, updating it and exchanging it. This can be achieved by publishing the studies concerned with regional situations, unsettled global situations. The Center can also publish recommendations on the proper solutions for such situations through direct and indirect negotiations. -Organize seminars, symposiums and conferences in diplomacy and international relations, etc and to invite political parties and organizations to constructive dialogues in line with the national principles. -Provide consultations to government authorities and other parties with a view to developing their various activities
Organisation Activities (Completed and ongoing Projects): 
YCDSIR is new established, December 2010. However, the Center YCDSIR aims to take several actions to take its place in the era, we wish to mention some of these, saying ; The Center aims to clarify the vital role of Yemen at the humanitarian and Arab levels throughout history. It also aims to revive the concepts of Islamic and Arab unity and the identification of the capabilities of the Islamic and Arab nation that faces various challenges due to its position, prestige, wealth and holy Islamic places in Jerusalem, Mecca and Medina. It is hoped that the Center will be a source of information to be used by decision makers It will:- • Analyze, develop, evaluate and anticipate whatever is related to the Yemeni and Arab domestic and foreign policy as well as suggest the different ways to implement it in accordance with local, regional and global transformations. • Commit to cooperate with official authorities in general and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in particular as well as the Diplomatic Institute affiliated with it, Yemeni universities , Arab diplomatic institute, civil society organization, etc. • Help promote a holistic future vision for the local, regional and global situations and obstacles and defending the national, Islamic and humanitarian issues. • Conduct studies on the future of peace process in the Middle East via direct and indirect negotiations with the Israeli government, the Arab peace initiative, the UN decisions on the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Security Council decision on the withdrawal of the Israeli forces from all the Arab territories occupied in 1967. • Develop a culture of dialogue, negotiations and peaceful settlement of disputes by sorting out a number of global crises in accordance with international laws. • Stress the importance of the social and economical sustainable development in the Arab World that aims to fulfill the social prosperity of the Arab citizen in a climate of security and stability. - Stress the significance of the political parties and organizations in fostering security and stability. • Acknowledge the significance of human rights respect and law enforcement. • Emphasis gender equality and women empowerment to participate actively in community service. - Provide consultations and diplomatic recommendations about intra-Arab relations and Arab solidarity as per Arab League charter, joint Arab defense and bilateral relations between Arab countries. • Organize seminars and lectures about the role of Yemen in spreading the teachings of Islam, the dire need to preserve its unity which acts as a precursor of the long-sought Arab unity. This can be achieved through collaboration with similar Yemeni and Arab research centers. • Help promote diplomatic skills and the art of protocol and etiquette, issuing periodical publications and encouraging translations in this regard. • Present special studies about development taking place in each Arab state. • Present studies and lectures on the relations of Yemen with various countries of the world, especially the Gulf States, Sana'a Congregation Countries and the countries of the horn of Africa. • Welcome the participation of Arab and Foreign ambassadors for our country to exchange ideas about the different domestic and Arab issues. • Host VIPs visiting our country and Arab and foreign ambassadors to deliver speeches and lectures. • Organize an annual conference that reflects upon the events and developments the Center has tackled
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
Govermental Licence Details: 
Govermental licence confirmed: 
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Civil Participation
Conflict Management
Governance, Institutional Development
Human Rights
Target Group: Gender, Age, Disabilities: 
gender - female
gender - male
age group - youth
age group - elderly
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
Ambassdor Dr. Ali AbdulQawi ALGhaffari
Contact Person's Postion: 
President / Founder

Development House

General Information
Fields of Interest (Focus Areas): 
New Media “Web 2.0” (Social Media), promoting for resources and opportunities, provides training and consultation services for individuals and organizations.
Organisation Objectives: 
respond to civil society needs for supporting, organizational capacity building, and promoting for resources and opportunities. DH provides training and consultation services for individuals and organizations through several training programs which respond to the needs of the civil society and strengthen its role. DH considers itself the first organization which specialized in New Media “Web 2.0” in Yemen.
Organisation Activities (Completed and ongoing Projects): 
Web 2.0 for Social Change Human Rights for all
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
Govermental licence confirmed: 
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Civil Participation
Human Rights
Media and Information
Training and Organizational Support
Target Group: Gender, Age, Disabilities: 
gender - female
gender - male
age group - youth
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
Fathi Abdulwahid
Contact Person's Postion: 
Senior Adviser

Youth Leadership Development Foundation

General Information
Fields of Interest (Focus Areas): 
Youth Leadership Development Foundation (YLDF) is a non-governmental non-profit organization, located in Sana’a capital city of Yemen. YLDF was founded to support youth in voicing their opinions and needs, and participating in Yemen’s development, especially underprivileged and female youth. Youth represents a wide base in the demographic pyramid of Yemen, yet they play a small role in decision making processes and have a minor contribution to the economy. Under the umbrella of YLDF, both Girls World Communication Center (GWCC) and Youth Economic Development Center (YEDC) operate to serve Yemeni youth in Sana’a and other governorates. GWCC, predecessor of YLDF, was established in 1998 as the first language Center in Yemen catering exclusively to girls. In 2001, it was registered officially with the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education. The center is the first institute in Yemen specialized in girls' capacity building. Currently it also offers different programs that enhance male and female youth participation in community development as well as supports youth NGOs and initiatives to play active development roles. In 2005, the Center was incorporated into the Youth Leadership Development Foundation. YEDC, previously called Youth Economic Development Initiative funded by MEPI, as launched in 2005 as a training program. YLDF decided to invest in the successes of the program and expand its activities through establishing Youth Economic Development Center in 2006 with support from MEPI and Canadian Development Program. The center mainly serves Yemeni young males and females to become economically secure and socially established and thus able to participate in all domains of economic life in which merit and attitude transcend social status and gender. Our vision is a Yemen in which skilled, well qualified and active young women and men play leadership roles in all domains of society and enable Yemenis to contribute to a better world. Our mission is “to increase male and female youth participation in development of their communities through high standards of quality education and participatory and action oriented training and youth NGOs and initiatives capacity building overall Yemeni governorates in response to development and labor market needs”. YLDF works in light of the following values:  Quality Assurance  Non- Discrimination  Gender Equity  Respect of Human Rights  Fostering Creativity  Participation  Continuous Improvement  Volunteerism  Sustainability
Organisation Objectives: 
YLDF 2011-2015 strategy aims to achieve the following strategic objectives: 1. Increase levels of leadership and life skills of school female and male students in grades 7-11 2. Enhance academic counseling services and increase level of readiness of high school graduates to enroll in universities. 3. Increase opportunities for female and male youth to enter the labor market 4. Increase levels of community participation of female and male university graduates 5. Increase efficiency of youth NGOs and Initiatives to engage in their local community development
Organisation Activities (Completed and ongoing Projects): 
Young leadership Program  Human Rights Program  Khadija Program  Young Entrepreneurs in Development  Camera As Voice: Citizenship  MEPI Allumni Local Chapter  Monitoring & Reporting of Child Rights Violations in Yemen  WASL-Adolescent Conference  Foundation of Peace  Youth Political Leadership Program  Leaders Speak English
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
Govermental Licence Details: 
Govermental licence confirmed: 
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Civil Participation
Human Rights
Local Economic Development, Employment Generation
Target Group: Gender, Age, Disabilities: 
age group - youth
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Al Hudaydah
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
Safa'a Rawiah
Contact Person's Postion: 
General Manager
Contact eMail Address :
Jobs / Internships / Volunteers