Climate and Environmental Protection

جمعية الامل الاجتماعية التنموية الخيرية

General Information
Fields of Interest (Focus Areas): 
نحن جمعية البر للتنمية الاجتماعية الخيرية بمحافظة الضالع نسعى لتقديم عمل تنموي خيري مؤسسي يلبي احتياجات وأولويات المجتمع في المحافظة من خلال برامج ومشاريع نوعية بأساليب متميزة وشراكة فاعلة لنقدم لفئة الفقراء والمحتاجين أفضل الخدمات لمنحهم حياة كريمة ملتزمون بالشفافية والمساواة
Organisation Objectives: 
1متابعة الجهات الحكوميه والمنظمات المانحه وتمثيل الاهالي للحصول على كل الخدمات من مشاريع تنمويه وخدمات اجتماعية وغيرها 2 الحفاظ على البيئة وحمايتها 3 ارساء قواعد التوعية والانشطه الثقافيه وترسيخ الوعي بين اوساط الشباب 4 تشجيع الاستثمار في جميع المجالات المختلفة ويكون عوائده لصالح الجمعية 5 العمل على اقامة الحواجز والسدود لحفظ المياه والاستفادة منها 6 وضع الحلول المناسبه والتصدي للعوائق التي تعيق الطالب الجامعي حتى يتم اكمال دراسته العلياء قدر الامكان
Organisation Activities (Completed and ongoing Projects): 
:المجال التعليمي - رعاية السكن الجامعي - توزيع الحقيبة المدرسية - حملات التوعية - رعاية مراكز محو الامية - توزيع الكتاب الثقافي - مساعدة الطلاب الجامعين - رعاية دور القرآن الكريم وحلقات التحفيظ النموذجية - توزيع المصحف الشريف - مجال التدريب والتأهيل - بناء المراكز التدريبية والإشراف عليها - برنامج بناء القدرات والتنمية الذاتية - تدريب العاملين والمتطوعين - - مراكز تنمية المرأة - بناء قدرات الجمعيات الاهلية - محو امية الحاسوب - المهارات الحياتية مجال رعاية الطفولة والشباب - مشروع كفالة ورعاية الأيتام - بناء قدرات الشباب - مشروع رفاهية الطفولة - المراكز والمخيمات الصيفية المجال الصحي : - مشروع حملات التوعية الصحية . - المخيمات الطبية . – مساعدة المرضى المجال الاجتماعي والاغاثي : - مشروع توزيع المواد الغذائية - توزيع البطانيات - مشاريع الخير الرمضانية - الصدقات النقدية - مشروع توزيع لحوم الأضاحي . - مشروع تيسير الزواج . مشروع توزيع كسوة العيد - كفالة الاسر الفقيرة - مجال التنمية المستدامة - حفر الابار - خزانات المياه - المشاريع الانشائية (مراكز تدريب – سكنات طلاب - مدارس – مساجد )
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
not yet visited
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Civil Participation
Climate and Environmental Protection
Conflict Management
Coordination and Support Services
Governance, Institutional Development
Infrastructure and Rehabilitation
Local Economic Development, Employment Generation
Media and Information
Mine Action
Protection / Rule of Law
Rural Development
Rural Roads
Shelter and Non-food Items
Small and Micro Enterprises Development
Training and Organizational Support
Urban Development
Water and Sanitation
Youth Child Care
Target Group: Gender, Age, Disabilities: 
gender - female
gender - male
age group - youth
age group - elderly
special needs
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Ad Dali
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
عبدالباقي صادق احمد المشرقي
Contact Person's Postion: 
رئيس الجمعية
Contact eMail Address :
Jobs / Internships / Volunteers

جمعية الامل الاجتماعية التنموية الخيرية

General Information
Fields of Interest (Focus Areas): 
Organisation Objectives: 
1متابعة الجهات الحكوميه والمنظمات المانحه وتمثيل الاهالي للحصول على كل الخدمات من مشاريع تنمويه وخدمات اجتماعية وغيرها 2 الحفاظ على البيئة وحمايتها 3 ارساء قواعد التوعية والانشطه الثقافيه وترسيخ الوعي بين اوساط الشباب 4 تشجيع الاستثمار في جميع المجالات المختلفة ويكون عوائده لصالح الجمعية 5 العمل على اقامة الحواجز والسدود لحفظ المياه والاستفادة منها 6 وضع الحلول المناسبه والتصدي للعوائق التي تعيق الطالب الجامعي حتى يتم اكمال دراسته العلياء قدر الامكان
Organisation Activities (Completed and ongoing Projects): 
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
Govermental Licence Details: 
not yet visited
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Civil Participation
Climate and Environmental Protection
Conflict Management
Coordination and Support Services
Governance, Institutional Development
Human Rights
Infrastructure and Rehabilitation
Local Economic Development, Employment Generation
Media and Information
Mine Action
Protection / Rule of Law
Rural Development
Rural Roads
Small and Micro Enterprises Development
Training and Organizational Support
Urban Development
Water and Sanitation
Youth Child Care
Target Group: Gender, Age, Disabilities: 
gender - female
gender - male
age group - youth
age group - elderly
special needs
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Ad Dali
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
عبدالباقي صادق احمد المشرقي
Contact Person's Postion: 
President رئيس
Contact eMail Address :

جمعية الخير الاجتماعية التنموية الخيرية شبوة

General Information
Fields of Interest (Focus Areas): 
تهتم الجمعية بالجانب التنموي والاجتماعي والخيري والثقافي والصحي والبيئي
Organisation Objectives: 
مادة(5) اهداف الجمعية 1-تمارس الجمعية أعمالها ونشاطها لتحقيق أهدافها وهي تفعيل النشاط الخيري ,والتوعوي,والثقافي, والتنموي, والخدمي,والإرشادي 2- دعم الأسر الفقيرة ومحاولة إشراكهم في اى أعمال تناسب وضعهم وتحسن مستوى الدخل لهم . 3- تفعيل دور المراه والقضاء على اى صور لتمييز ضدها و,بالتنسيق من الجهات المختصة. 4- المساهمة في تطوير وتنمية المجتمع من خلال اقامة مشاريع تجارية صغيره سوى من الجمعية او من اى جهة اخرى داعمة باشراف مباشر من الجمعية . 5- الحد من عمالة الاطفال من خلال الدعم والتشجيع على الاستمرار في التعليم من خلال الجمعية او اى جهة داعمه باشراف الجمعية. 6- الحد من انتشار الامراض والاوبئة المعدية من خلال توعيةالمجتمع وارشادهم بالوقاية او العلاج بالتنسيق مع الجهات المختصة ذات العلاقة. 7- الحد من البطاله لدى الشباب والبحث لهم عن اماكن تاهيل وتدريب . 8- الارتقاء والنهوض بالمستوي الرياضي والثقافي للشباب في الاندية او الموسسات التعليمة. 9- مساعدة ورعاية الاطفال الايتام وذوي الدخل الاحتياجات الخاصة وذوي الدخل المحدود خصوصا في المناسبات والاعياد. 10- العمل على تاسيس شراكة فاعلة مع التكوينات والموسسات التنموية في تنظيم مشاريع تنموية لخدمة الفرد والمجتمع . 11-دعم ومساندة المواهب والمبدعين والمتفوقين وتشجيهم ومتابعة اكمال تعليمهم
Organisation Activities (Completed and ongoing Projects): 
مشروع حصر وقيد وايواء النازحين شبوة 2014 مشروع افطار للسورييين بشبوة2014 مشروع توزيع تمر للاسر المحتاجه بشبوة2014 مشروع كسوة عمال النظافة عيد الفطر المبارك2014 مشروع كسوة الاطفال الايتام وذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة شبوة2014 مشروع توزيع ملابس للاطفال والنساء يمنيين وسوريين بشبوة2014 مشروع توزيع عربيات لذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة شبوة2014
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
Govermental Licence Details: 
Govermental licence confirmed: 
not yet visited
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Civil Participation
Climate and Environmental Protection
Conflict Management
Coordination and Support Services
Governance, Institutional Development
Human Rights
Infrastructure and Rehabilitation
Local Economic Development, Employment Generation
Protection / Rule of Law
Refugees and IDPs
Rural Development
Rural Roads
Shelter and Non-food Items
Small and Micro Enterprises Development
Training and Organizational Support
Urban Development
Water and Sanitation
Youth Child Care
Target Group: Gender, Age, Disabilities: 
gender - female
gender - male
age group - children
age group - youth
age group - elderly
special needs
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Ad Dali
Al Bayda
Al Hudaydah
Al Jawf
Al Mahrah
Al Mahwit
Amanat Al Asimah
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
عبدالله صالح
Contact Person's Postion: 
President رئيس الجمعية
Contact eMail Address :

مؤسسة عناية التنموية Enaya Development Foundation

General Information
Fields of Interest (Focus Areas): 
تهدف المؤسسة إلى الإسهام الفعال في تطوير القوى البشرية والتنمية المحلية من خلال القيام بأنشطة وبرامج متنوعة بالمشاركة مع القطاعين العام والخاص ومنظمات المجتمع المدني والمنظمات الدولية.
Organisation Objectives: 
1- تفعيل مبدى العمل التشاركي 2- تقديم الرعاية الصحية للجميع ورفع مستوى الوعي الصحي في المجتمع وبنا وتطوير القدرات الفنية والإدارية للكادر الصحي 3- المساهمه في اغاثة المتضررين من الكوارث 4- تنفيذ المشاريع التنموية المجتمعية 5-العمل على حماية البيئة وتطوريها 6-تفعيل دور المرأة في المجتمع لأهمية مساهمتها في التنمية المجتمعية 7-الاسهام في الانشطة الرامية الى التنمية بمختلف ابعادها التعليمية..
Organisation Activities (Completed and ongoing Projects): 
1- تنفيذحملة توعية بالامراض المنقولة بالنواقل الذي تبنه منظمة الصحة العالمية لعام 2014م 2- تسيير عيادة طبية منقله لمعالجة النازحين في مدينة الروضة محافظ شبوة 3- تقديم ادوية للنازحين من خلال اللجنة الاهلية لاغاثة النازحين بمدينة الروضة محافظةشبوة
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
Govermental Licence Details: 
Govermental licence confirmed: 
not yet visited
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Civil Participation
Climate and Environmental Protection
Coordination and Support Services
Governance, Institutional Development
Human Rights
Infrastructure and Rehabilitation
Local Economic Development, Employment Generation
Refugees and IDPs
Rural Development
Small and Micro Enterprises Development
Training and Organizational Support
Water and Sanitation
Youth Child Care
Target Group: Gender, Age, Disabilities: 
gender - female
gender - male
age group - children
age group - youth
age group - elderly
special needs
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
د.عبدالمحسن العمري او صالح سالم محمد
Contact Person's Postion: 
رئيس او المدير التنفيذي للمؤسسة
Contact eMail Address :

Madhoon Foundation for Community Development

General Information
Fields of Interest (Focus Areas): 
Madhoon Foundation for Community Development (MFD) is a non-governmental organization, exercising (social, developmental and juristic) activities. It seeks to contribute effectively in building a strong Yemeni society dominated by the values of tolerance and constructive dialogue. It aims to provide the members of the society with sufficient education and training, and the real ability to manage their community successfully. The Foundation strives to achieve that through adopting projects and programs for all members of the society, discovering energies and focusing on and rehabilitating leaderships to achieve a comprehensive community development.
Organisation Objectives: 
The Foundation works to achieve the following objectives: 1) To contribute to building a strong community through the achievement of social justice and peace; and uphold the values of tolerance and constructive dialogue; and combat the culture of extremism in all its forms, and promote a culture of participation and acceptance of others among community groups. 2) To work with stakeholders and interested to provide opportunities for education, rehabilitation and training to all segments of society; and to organize the energies and capacities of community and employ them in the construction process, community development and defense of human rights; and to contribute to overcome illiteracy in all its forms, and care of the family; and rehabilitating and training women to carry out a more active role in the community as an essential partner for men. 3) To work to raise awareness of human rights and freedoms, guaranteed legitimately and legally; and defend them with all legal means; and consolidate of the meanings of belonging and citizenship; and work to promote the rights of equal citizenship, and stand with all efforts in reducing corruption, and contribute to the activation of the community surveillance. 4) To develop the skills of youths and enhance their abilities in all areas; and qualify them to contribute effectively in the process of construction and development; and care of young people and encourage them to creativity and innovation and develop their abilities. 5) To educate and enlighten community on the importance of the preservation of cultural and national heritage, as well as work on the promotion of the noble values and the Arab and Islamic identity.
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
Govermental Licence Details: 
Govermental licence confirmed: 
not yet visited
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Civil Participation
Climate and Environmental Protection
Coordination and Support Services
Governance, Institutional Development
Human Rights
Infrastructure and Rehabilitation
Local Economic Development, Employment Generation
Media and Information
Protection / Rule of Law
Rural Development
Training and Organizational Support
Urban Development
Youth Child Care
Target Group: Gender, Age, Disabilities: 
gender - female
gender - male
age group - children
age group - youth
age group - elderly
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Al Mahwit
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
Abdulkadir M. Sharaf Al-deen
Contact Person's Postion: 
Chairman of the Foundation
Contact eMail Address :

Madhoon Foundation for Community Development (MFCD) is a non-governmental organization, exercising (social, developmental and juristic) activities. It seeks to contribute effectively in building a strong Yemeni society dominated by the values of tolerance and constructive dialogue. It aims to provide the members of the society with sufficient education and training, and the real ability to manage their community successfully.

confluence College Marib Students cultural & development

General Information
Fields of Interest (Focus Areas): 
- تدريب وتأهيل الشباب من الجنسين في جميع المجالات (الصحة - العلوم الحديثة - الإبداع والتميز - الرياضة - التعليم ) وغيرها من المجالات التي تجعل منهم شباب ناشط وايجابي يعمل على خدمة وتنمية مجتمعه ووطنة. - خدمة المجتمع من خلال المبادرات الخيرية والمشاريع التنموية التي تنمي وتخدم المجتمع وتعمل على استغلال وقت وطاقات الشباب فيما يعود عليهم بالنفع وينمي قدراتهم ليكون فاعلين ومبدعين في بناء غدٍ مشرق.
Organisation Objectives: 
: Forum practiced his works and activities in order to provide its services to the students of the college and the various segments of the community through its programs and activities and events that lead to achieving the following key objectives: 1. Activating the role of a university student in community service, awareness and development by working to provide the means and the projects and programs that can be done through them. 2. Contribute to raising the level of education within the college and university-conscious generation production and contribute to the intellectual development of his country and works to prosperity. 3. Spreading awareness among students within the college, including their rights and their duties to the college and to their communities. 4. Fight against violence, bigotry and the statement of damages tendencies of extremism and terrorism on the future of peoples and future generations to raise awareness of and promote a culture of dialogue and peace in the community and various groups and segments. 5. Training and rehabilitation of young people of both sexes and development in various fields. 6. Students discuss issues and problems and work with the leadership of the province and Dean to resolve it. 7. The defense of freedom of opinion and expression for all, especially young people and women. 8. Build bridges of contacts and cooperation relations with the social forums and regional centers of democracy and Arab and international interests and shared common goals and in accordance with the law and in coordination with the ministry. 9. Work on the unity of the student movement in the framework a unified student union entity, locally and regionally. 10. Work to provide appropriate educational atmosphere for learning achievement for students and create an atmosphere and Mnachan believes the values ​​of dialogue and creative differences and contrast. 11. Support of women and youth in achieving an active role and a real partnership in all walks of life to ensure complementary constructive roles for a humanitarian exercise the rights of society full. 12. The representation of students in front of the official bodies and institutions, popular and local organizations and trade unions, regional and international and closer ties with it. 13. Work on the application of the principle of free university education and education opportunity for all. 14. Nurturing and encouraging innovation and the development of scientific talent and capabilities literary, cultural and artistic among students, directing and supporting. 15. Against any directions aimed at damaging trade union work on the one hand and student activity and intellectual and creative on the other and the defense of democratic legitimacy and the student union action civil. 17. Strengthening the role of a university student by enabling them to participate effectively in the bodies of the forum and its various activities. 18. Positive interaction with the community issues and actors contribute to the understanding of the suffering and expressed positively. 19. Deepening of the national spirit, national and Islamic among students, support and advocacy fair.
Organisation Activities (Completed and ongoing Projects): 
- مبادرات توعوية تستهدف الطالب الجامعي في كلية مأرب حول أهمية الدور البارز الذي يلعبه في توعية وتثقيف المجتمع حول الحفاظ على الأمن والاستقرار وكيفية تفعيل ذلك الدور ولازلنا نبحث عن جهة تدعمنا لإقامة برامج ومشاريع حول ذلك.
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
Govermental Licence Details: 
Govermental licence confirmed: 
not yet visited
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Civil Participation
Climate and Environmental Protection
Conflict Management
Coordination and Support Services
Governance, Institutional Development
Human Rights
Infrastructure and Rehabilitation
Local Economic Development, Employment Generation
Media and Information
Mine Action
Protection / Rule of Law
Refugees and IDPs
Rural Development
Rural Roads
Shelter and Non-food Items
Small and Micro Enterprises Development
Training and Organizational Support
Urban Development
Water and Sanitation
Youth Child Care
Target Group: Gender, Age, Disabilities: 
gender - female
gender - male
age group - youth
special needs
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Al Bayda
Al Jawf
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
بشير عبدالله عبدربة عيشان
Contact Person's Postion: 
Contact eMail Address :
Jobs / Internships / Volunteers

Sheba Center for Strategic Studies

General Information
Fields of Interest (Focus Areas): 
The center's areas of interest are restricted to: (A)Topical Mandate: •Strategic issues (security and defense), political and socio-economic issues as well as energy research. (B)Geographic Mandate: •Yemen and its vital sphere which includes the littoral states the Red Sea, the GCC countries, Iran and Iraq. •Middle East and North Africa. •Countries which are of consequence to the center's areas of interest. The above determinants are interdependent in view of international relations and the interaction of their interest areas and issues. As such, Yemen influences and is influenced by many of these determinants and should consider and analyze their issues that have a bearing on the country, be it a direct or indirect effect.
Organisation Objectives: 
SCSS aims at 1.To pose right questions about strategic, political and socio-economic issues concerning Yemen and the region. 2.To address issues in a scientific methodology, putting aside the conventional dictates. 3.To review the western theories and concepts that are wrongly applied to the Arab communities, and to come up with theories and concepts appropriate to the analysis of the Arab context. 4.To reconsider the research priorities on the basis of the significance of topics for the government and society. 5.To exploit all available potentialities and skills to contribute to knowledge accumulation. 6.To advocate studies and activities that would help improve education, enhance critical thinking, expunge mistaken concepts and preconceptions from the educational curricula, abolish the conventional methods of teaching and learning, and foster the knack of critical analysis. 7.To take the lead in re-defining relations with others (particularly with the West) through understanding the positive aspects of reciprocal relations and realizing the diversity of the West; and not to deal with all the western states and communities as if they were a single entity. 8.To conduct futuristic studies and prepare projected or perceived scenarios, thereby providing the decision makers in Yemen with pest policy alternative.
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
Govermental Licence Details: 
Govermental licence confirmed: 
not yet visited
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Civil Participation
Climate and Environmental Protection
Conflict Management
Governance, Institutional Development
Human Rights
Local Economic Development, Employment Generation
Media and Information
Protection / Rule of Law
Refugees and IDPs
Rural Development
Small and Micro Enterprises Development
Training and Organizational Support
Urban Development
Water and Sanitation
Youth Child Care
Target Group: Gender, Age, Disabilities: 
gender - female
gender - male
age group - children
age group - youth
age group - elderly
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
Amani AL-Harazi
Contact Person's Postion: 
Public Relation & Events Coordinator.
Contact eMail Address :
Additional Information
Annual Reports etc.: 

Social Fund for Development

General Information
Fields of Interest (Focus Areas): 
The Social Fund for Development (SFD) was established by Law No. 10 of 1997 to contribute to achieve, and align its programs with, goals of the national social and economic development plans for poverty reduction (DPPRs).
Organisation Objectives: 
The Social Fund for Development (SFD) was established by Law No. 10 of 1997 to contribute to achieve, and align its programs with, goals of the national social and economic development plans for poverty reduction (DPPRs). It has implemented three phases of operations and by, 2011, commenced phase IV.SFD supports development opportunities through improving access to basic services, enhancing economic opportunities and reducing the vulnerability of the poor as well as building capacities at national levels including local authorities and community structures. To reach these objectives, SFD applies the best international and local practices and policies and piloted approaches to share its experiences with all other development players.
Organisation Activities (Completed and ongoing Projects): 
Over the past years, the SFD has developed and enhanced the project funding criteria and the operation approaches based on the best international practices that have yielded in remarkable operation progress—both quantitatively and qualitatively. Hence, the SFD has gained a number of international awards as well as confidence of the donors and external evaluation missions who frequently have stated that the SFD has become a development inspiring school and a model player in the national reform policies. Moreover, the SFD stands for an appropriate institutional environment for increasing the absorption capacity of foreign financing provided to Yemen. The most important approaches are: Expanding partnership in development The SFD has expanded and strengthened partnership and coordination efforts with the government agencies, NGOs and international development agencies to achieve more effective development. The SFD also plays a key role in supporting decentralization and empowering local authorities, local councils and NGOs—SFD's main development partners. Special programs The SFD develops special programs addressing poverty and needs such as low girls’ education enrollments, shortages of water and shortage of health workers in rural areas, in addition to other programs such as the community integrated interventions in the poorest communities, supporting microfinance programs, developing community labor-intensive works Decentralization The SFD gives broad authorities to its nine branch offices, which cover all governorates, in terms of development of annual plans, and projects implementation and it offers the opportunity for competition in performance among them. SFD headquarters carries out strategic planning, monitoring, resource mobilization and coordination with donors. Evaluation and development The SFD conducts several reviews and evaluations focusing on results and impact.. The SFD uses quantitative and qualitative data from various resources such as its management information system (MIS), field studies at community, project and households levels as well as using data from the national surveys and studies. The evaluation results are used to develop the SFD policies, systems and interventions. Supporting national development plans The SFD has developed its Mid-term Vision (2006–10) goes in line with, and contribute to, implementing the third five-year Economic and Social Development Plan, national sectoral plans to Reduce Poverty, the Public Investment Plan and the government efforts to mobilize resources to implement these plan. Transparency & cost efficiency The SFD represents a model of a government institution governed by efficient administrative and financial systems, practicing transparent and clear procedures in resource allocation, project selection and implementation. Moreover, SFD's administrative cost is much lower than that of other social-investment funds in other countries—reaching less than 5% of SFD's total financial resources. Focusing on service delivery and impact SFD's focus on service delivery and the results have earned the SFD excellent reputation in rural communities and won their confidence. The independent evaluation indicates that during 2003–06 the number of rural students, enrolled in SFD-built schools, rose by 122% for girls and 91% for boys. The evaluation also found that SFD-supported feeder roads reduced the time of access to services and markets by 50%, microfinance programs' active clients rose from 3,282 to 25,588 (86% were women)—with these programs improving the living conditions of 84% of beneficiary families. Projects Funding Criteria Most projects should ensure the following criteria during and after implementation in order that the projects serve the community the longest: Targeting The SFD allocates its resources to the poorest and neediest communities groups through various projects and interventions in order to improve their living conditions. The 2006 Impact Evaluation, conducted by a specialized international company, found that the SFD-Yemen's targeting is the best among other peer funds in other countries where similar analytical procedures have been applied. It further indicates that 73% of SFD's resources go to the three lowest income deciles and just 3% to the top decile. Sustainability To ensure sustainability, the SFD supports projects that meet the actual needs of the local communities and are appropriate in terms of technical design and availability of operation and maintenance resources. Community-driven approach The SFD follows demand-driven approach and promotes for its activities among the target communities in order to motivate them to apply for priority services. The independent 2006 Impact Evaluation found that 95% of SFD-targeted projects have been of high priority for the beneficiaries. Community participation The SFD revives community traditional self-reliance spirit through enhancing community participation during and after project implementation starting from the prioritization of their needs and project implementation, operation and maintenance. The SFD encourages democratic practices by encouraging the communities to organize themselves and elect their representatives in community committees. Community contribution: With a purpose to increase community's sense of ownership of the infrastructure projects and as part of community participation, the SFD requests beneficiary communities to contribute to project costs by providing labor, construction materials, other in-kind contributions and cash. Gender mainstreaming The SFD is implementing its Gender Mainstreaming Strategy and Framework (2008–10) as part of its efforts to increase the quality and effectiveness of SFD contributions to sustainable poverty reduction for both sexes, with a focus on increasing gender sensitization in SFD policies and procedures as well as interventions and sector programs. About half of SFD project beneficiaries are women—a clear progress underscoring SFD's ability to bridge the development gender gap.
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
Govermental licence confirmed: 
not yet visited
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Climate and Environmental Protection
Governance, Institutional Development
Infrastructure and Rehabilitation
Local Economic Development, Employment Generation
Rural Development
Rural Roads
Small and Micro Enterprises Development
Training and Organizational Support
Urban Development
Water and Sanitation
Youth Child Care
Target Group: Gender, Age, Disabilities: 
gender - female
gender - male
age group - children
age group - youth
age group - elderly
special needs
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Ad Dali
Al Bayda
Al Hudaydah
Al Jawf
Al Mahrah
Al Mahwit
Amanat Al Asimah
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
Mr. Abdulelah Taqi
Contact Person's Postion: 
Communication Officer
Contact eMail Address :

مؤسسة الأجيال للتنمية - اليمن - Allageal Foundation For Development - Yemen

General Information
Fields of Interest (Focus Areas): 
مؤسسة شبابية - طوعية - تنموية - حقوقية
Organisation Objectives: 
1. إيجاد جيل واعي ومثقف . 2. تنمية قدرات الشباب في كافة المجالات . 3. تعميق مبدأ الولاء الوطني ونبذ التطرف والإرهاب والعصبية القبلية . 4. تعزيز العمل الطوعي في نفوس الشباب . 5. نشر ثقافة الحوار البناء والتسامح والإيثار. 6. تعزيز مفاهيم الديمقراطية وحقوق الإنسان. 7. رفع مستوى الوعي لدى المهمشين والعمل على دمجهم في المجتمع.
Organisation Activities (Completed and ongoing Projects): 
عدد من الأنشطة التي قامت بها المؤسسة • المعرض التشجيري و الهندسي الأول بذمار . • حملة التوعية بأضرار المخدرات لطلاب وطالبات المدارس الثانوية بذمار . • حملة الإرشاد الزراعي بمديريات عنس ومغرب عنس وعتمه بمحافظة ذمار ومديرية القفر بمحافظة إب. • دورات تأهيلية لأعضاء المؤسسة وجمعية الوفاء الخيرية بذمار. • رعاية حفل تخرج دفعة الأجيال بالمعهد العالي للعلوم الصحية – قسم الصيدلة . • ندوات ومحاضرات في حقوق الطفل ، حقوق المرأة ، مفاهيم حقوق الإنسان ، التمييز العنصري ، المواثيق والبروتوكولات الدولية والمحلية لحقوق الإنسان ، ذمار. • برنامج الصحة والسعادة والنجاح ، برنامج تدريبي ، ذمار ، د/ عبد الغني سكندر . • المشاركة في برنامج ليالي المنوعات الخيري وتوزيع كسوة اليتيم خلال شهر رمضان المبارك وعيد الأضحى • العديد من الأنشطة والحملات التوعوية والشبابية الحقوقية والتشجيرية . • المشاركة في العديد من الورش والمؤتمرات المحلية والدولية كان آخرها المشاركة في مؤتمر حوار الحضارات بمدينة الدوحة – قطر . • برنامج إعداد محاضرين لعدد من القيادات الشابة بذمار. • حملة (وطني أرقى) تضمن نظافة لعدد من شوارع المحافظة وبرامج توعوية في نشر ثقافة الحوار ومفاهيم الديمقراطية والسلام والإيثار . • حملة (أدلي بصوتك) للتوعية بأهمية الانتخابات الرئاسية المبكرة . • إقامة أمسيات شعرية وقصصية وندوات ثقافية بذمار . • برنامج إعداد مدربين في مجال حقوق الإنسان .
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
Govermental licence confirmed: 
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Civil Participation
Climate and Environmental Protection
Governance, Institutional Development
Human Rights
Media and Information
Refugees and IDPs
Rural Development
Water and Sanitation
Youth Child Care
Target Group: Gender, Age, Disabilities: 
gender - female
gender - male
age group - children
age group - youth
age group - elderly
special needs
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Al Bayda
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
رياض عبدالعزيز صريم
Contact Person's Postion: 
رئيس المؤسسة
Contact eMail Address :
Jobs / Internships / Volunteers
Time Period: 
من 2012 وحتى 2014 م
Needed Skills: 
التعاون والدعم ورفد البرامج التي تقوم بها المؤسسة بالكتيبات أو المنشورات أو المطبوعات التي تخص وتفيد مثل تلك البرامج
Learning Possibilities: 
التدريب على : برامج حقوق الإنسان مهارات العرض والإلقاء التوعية بأضرار المخدرات تدريب مدربين التوعية بالسن الآمن للزواج كيف تحقق ذاتك وترتقي في الحياة الاتصال والتواصل إستراتيجية النجاح برنامج كيف تحصل على الصحة والسعادة والنجاح

مؤسسسة الأجيال مؤسسة شبابية تأسست في 19 / 4 / 2008م
يعمل بها شباب من خيرة شباب محافظة ذمار في إطار العمل الطوعي الشبابي والذي يهدف إلى ترسيخ مبادئ العمل الطوعي وإيجاد جيل واعي ومثقف مبادر للعمل والخير
برغم عدم إصدار التصريح إلا أن المؤسسة عملت في عدة مجالات منها حقوق الإنسان والحملات التوعوية بترسيخ مبادئ الديمقراطية ومفاهيم التسامح والإيثار وفي المجال الزراعي أيضاً الاهتمام بالمواهب الشبابية في الجانب الأدبي والثقافي والإنشادي والغنائي
كما أنها قدمت العديد من البرامج والدورات التدريبية في مجالات التنمية البشرية وإعداد محاضرين وتدريب مدربين وفي المجال القيادي والإداري

Foundation for the Protection of the Arabian Leopard in Yemen

General Information
Fields of Interest (Focus Areas): 
Conservation of endangered Yemeni wildlife.
Organisation Objectives: 
To ensure a sustainably managed wild population of Arabian leopards living in harmony with local communities.
Organisation Activities (Completed and ongoing Projects): 
Hawf Leopard Survey Jebel Milhan Leopard Survey Ibb Leopard Survey "Leopards in Winter" - Documentary "Vanishing Spots" - Children's book
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
Govermental Licence Details: 
Govermental licence confirmed: 
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Climate and Environmental Protection
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Al Mahrah
Al Mahwit
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
David B. Stanton
Contact Person's Postion: 
Executive Director
Contact eMail Address : 