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ان مؤسسة تنمية القيادات الشابة والصندوق الاجتماعي للتنمية لاتستطيع اثبات او نفي المعلومات الموجودة في هذه القائمة.

Name Organisation Objectives Fields of Interest Licencesort icon
Youth Leadership Development Foundation YLDF 2011-2015 strategy aims to achieve the following strategic objectives: 1. Increase levels of leadership and life skills of school female and male students in grades 7-11 2. Enhance academic counseling services and increase level of readiness of high school graduates to enroll in universities. 3. Increase opportunities for female and male youth to enter the labor market 4. Increase levels... Youth Leadership Development Foundation (YLDF) is a non-governmental non-profit organization, located in Sana’a capital city of Yemen. YLDF was founded to support youth in voicing their opinions and needs, and participating in Yemen’s development, especially underprivileged and female youth.  yes
Yemeni Center for Diplomatic Studies&International Realtions The main objective is to publish studies and articles about diplomacy and international relations, settling international problems and conflicts trough peaceful means. The Center will concentrate on conducting studies about Arabic and international economical and political coalitions. It will also focus on the significance of joint Arabic cooperation and Arabic regional congregations. -... Diplomatic Studies & Interantional Raltions, The significance of the Center stems from the accelerated developments imposed by globalization in different directions. Its establishment came also as a result of the concrete changes in the Arab world and in the World as a whole at the political, economical, cultural, security and human levels especially those changes that took place after the...  yes
Foundation for the Protection of the Arabian Leopard in Yemen To ensure a sustainably managed wild population of Arabian leopards living in harmony with local communities. Conservation of endangered Yemeni wildlife.  yes
Al Khair Foundation for Social Development 1. To develop a real partnership between the private and government sectors aimed at building the capabilities and skills of the youth. 2. Motivate the young, guide them into making the optimum use of time and to improve their knowledge in basic sciences such as Marketing, Computers, English language, and Work Ethics. 3. Backup the National Campaign for Eradicating Illiteracy through promoting... 1. Training & Rehabilitation of Yemeni Youth. 2. Illiteracy Eradication. 3. Women's Sewing Shops. 4. Needy Families Donations.  yes
جمعية الآفاق لتنمية أنشطة المرأة ـ قرية حارات ـ اعبوس تهتم جميعة الآفاق بتنمية أنشطة المرأة الريفية في المجالات الاقتصادية والاجتماعية المختلفة واعادة تفعيل الحرف اليدوية القديمة، وتشجيع الناس على الاشتغال بها وكذا صيانة مدرجاتهم الزراعية والحفاظ على الشجرة والبيئة بصفة عامة .. فضلا عن اهتماماتها في تعليم المرأة الريفية مهارات الخياطة والتطريز والنقش والغزل وغيرها من الأنشطة النسوية تستهدف جمعية الآفاق المرأة الريفية في قرية حارات ـ منطقة الأعبوس ـ مديرية حيفان ـ الجمهورية اليمنية  yes
ALMethag Dev.&socialty Association Objectives: - Enable young people to acquire the skills necessary to join the labor market. - To contribute to a culture of moderation and rejection of extremism. - Improve the overall situation of young people socially, culturally and politically. - Networking and coordination with local and foreign companies operating in Yemen in the field of community development. Charter Association of Social Development youth organization independent non-profit organization was founded by a group of young men and young women from the province of Marib and were granted a permit number (451) from the Office of Social Affairs and Labour on 07.15.2006 AD Vision: Leadership in the rehabilitation and capacity building of youth Marib Message: We seek association development...  yes
Erada organization for Development  yes
FREEDOM FOUNDATION for media freedom, rights and development مؤسسة حرية Objectives: - Monitoring violations against Media freedom and rights. - Advocating media, defending press freedom and rights. - Advancing press freedom and free expression. - Rising awareness of democracy and human rights. - Developing Media and journalists’ profession and skills. Freedom Foundation for media freedom, rights and development is a Yemeni non-governmental and non-profit organization, focusing on protecting press and media freedom and media development in Yemen. Its Founder and president is the Yemeni journalist Khaled al-Hamamdi, the winner of the International Press Freedom Award 2011 from Canadian Journalists for Free Expression. Vision: Advancing...  yes
Yemen Society For Caring & Qualifying Blinds  yes
Aswancenter for Legal and Social Studies and Researches - promote awareness of human rights, culture and democracy among all segments of society in various research tools and awareness , sharing and definition methods. - raise up levels of freedoms and public rights through advocacy , lobbying, monitoring and the crowd. - mprove the level of women and child and develop the way of dealing with their issues from different aspects. - encourage... Women - Children - Youth - All About Human Rights.  yes
First Organization Depression Restrictions (FODR™) رؤية المنظمة: نرنو إلى ســــــلام نفســي وذاتــي للفــــرد والمجتمـــع. رسالة المنظمة: منظمة قيود الإكتئاب الأول، تسعـى إلى تحقيق الاتزان السيكولوجي بين المريض النفسي والمجتمع المحيط، عبر البرامج التدريبة والتأهيلية التي تقوم بها المنظمة منتهجـين أحدث الوسائل والنظريات العلمية في الدراسات النفسية والإجتماعية، بالإعتماد على الكوادر المحلية والعربية وبتنسيق مع المنظمــات والنقابات المتخصصة... مقدمة وفكرة المنظمة: فــودر، منظمة غير حكومية تنموية الأولى من نوعها في اليمن لا تهدف للربح تأسست في أواخر عام 2010م بمبادرة من مجموعة شبابية متخصصة بالعمل والعلم النفسي، بهدف الإسهـام في تعزيز الإستقرار النفسي وإرســاء التوعية النفسية وتوضيح دورها في التأثير على نواحي الحيـــاة، بتـــصريح من ديوان عام وزارة الشؤون الإجتماعية والعمل اليمنية برقم (701) بتاريخ 25/04/2012م، حيث قمنا في منظمة فــودر...  yes
مؤسسة التنوير للتنمية الاجتماعية 1- Contributing the development of capabilities and skills of beginners and youth "male and female" and turn them into leaders capable of contributing to raising the level of positive segments of among the members of the community. 2- Studying and analysis the negative phenomena that affect the positive individuals and segments of society. 3- Developing the relationship between youth... The foundation are concerned with youth and reinforcing their abilities and empowerment them to achieve positive in the community by working in human rights issues, gender, and through rehabilitation, training and awareness programs, studies and research.  yes
نادي رجال الاعمال اليمنيين (Yemeni Businessmen Club) The club is working to achieve the following objectives: Strengthen the linkages between members. Improve the professionalism of the members and contribute to the development of the performance of their institutions. Exchange of professional expertise and mutual benefits among members. Enhance communication and cooperation with internal and external organizations to... The Yemeni Businessmen Club is a forum for Yemeni businessmen. Its mission is to promote relationships among members through the exchange of experiences, consolidation of social relations, effort integration, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of members institutions as a part of the overall Yemeni economy development. YBC was established in 2002 as a not- for- profit, non- governmental...  yes
Sheba Center for Strategic Studies SCSS aims at 1.To pose right questions about strategic, political and socio-economic issues concerning Yemen and the region. 2.To address issues in a scientific methodology, putting aside the conventional dictates. 3.To review the western theories and concepts that are wrongly applied to the Arab communities, and to come up with theories and concepts appropriate to the analysis of the... The center's areas of interest are restricted to: (A)Topical Mandate: •Strategic issues (security and defense), political and socio-economic issues as well as energy research. (B)Geographic Mandate: •Yemen and its vital sphere which includes the littoral states the Red Sea, the GCC countries, Iran and Iraq. •Middle East and North Africa. •Countries which are of consequence to the...  yes
منظمة أكناف للطفولة والشباب أهدافنا: 1) العمل على إيجاد بيئة اجتماعية وطبيعية أمنة ومستقرة وصحية للطفولة والشباب ونيلهم لحقوقهم الأساسية كالتعليم والصحة والتغذية وغيرها من الحقوق التي كفلتها القوانين والتشريعات الوطنية والدولية . 2) المساهمة في تأمين الدعم الشامل لكل القضايا المتعلقة بالجيل أطفالاً وشباباً , خصوصاً فيما يتعلق بتجويد وتطوير العملية التعليمية بشقيها الأساسي والفني بمستوياتها المختلفة وفق الوسائل التعليمية... من نحن: أكنــــــــــــاف: منظمة تنموية , إجتماعية , حقوقية , طوعية , مستقلة , غير ربحية , تعني بالطفولة والشباب تم إشهارها في تاريخ 24/07/2012م بتصريح رقم (824) وتعمل على إيجاد بيئات ومحاضن صحية , سليمة وملائمة , لتكوين شخصياتهم وتنمية قدراتهم وإبداعاتهم وصقل مواهبهم ومهاراتهم واستيعاب طاقاتهم وقدراتهم . رؤيتنا: -الطفولة والشباب روح المجتمع وعافية الوطن . رسالتنا: الإسهام في بناء...  yes
المؤسسة اليمنية لرعاية مرضى الدم الوراثي 1. توعية المجتمع بخطورة أمرض الدم الوراثي على الأسرة والمجتمع وكيفية الوقاية منها . 2. توفير الخدمات الطبية للمرضى وتأمين احتياجاتهم من للعلاج . 3. المساهمة في الدعم النفسي والاجتماعي والمادي لمرضى الثلاسيميا وأمراض الدم الوراثية. 4. التوعية بأهمية التبرع بالدم على مستوى الدولة مع التأكيد على أهميته لاستمرار حياة مرضى الثلاسيميا وأمراض الدم الوراثية. 5. إجراء الدراسات والبحوث حول مرض... المؤسسة اليمنية لرعاية أمراض الدم الوراثية هي مؤسسة أهلية غير ربحية مقرها في أمانة العاصمة. أشهرت المؤسسة في 31-8- 2010 م ، تقدم المؤسسة خدمات وبرامج توعوية مساندة على المستوى الصحي والنفسي والاجتماعي بالتنسيق مع المؤسسات ذات العلاقة انطلاقا من مبدأ الشراكة الاجتماعية.  yes
University Youth Foundation For Development 1) To develop the university youth and the students of higher education, qualify them scientifically and practically and improve them economically in a way that contributes to the creation of a comprehensive integrated and sustainable development. 2) To bring up and prepare young leaders aware of the concepts of human rights; and enable them to perform their role in political life and... University Youth Development Foundation is a non-profit development institution established by a group of activists of university students who also form its team. The aim of its activities and programs is to develop the university youth and promote the university environment in a way that enables universities and students to contribute effectively to the development of society and to respond to...  yes
confluence College Marib Students cultural & development : Forum practiced his works and activities in order to provide its services to the students of the college and the various segments of the community through its programs and activities and events that lead to achieving the following key objectives: 1. Activating the role of a university student in community service, awareness and development by working to provide the means and the projects and... - تدريب وتأهيل الشباب من الجنسين في جميع المجالات (الصحة - العلوم الحديثة - الإبداع والتميز - الرياضة - التعليم ) وغيرها من المجالات التي تجعل منهم شباب ناشط وايجابي يعمل على خدمة وتنمية مجتمعه ووطنة. - خدمة المجتمع من خلال المبادرات الخيرية والمشاريع التنموية التي تنمي وتخدم المجتمع وتعمل على استغلال وقت وطاقات الشباب فيما يعود عليهم بالنفع وينمي قدراتهم ليكون فاعلين ومبدعين في بناء غدٍ مشرق.  yes
Aswan Center for Legal and Social Studies and Research - تعزيز الوعي والثقافة والديمقراطية بين جميع فئات المجتمع بمختلف أدوات البحث العلمي وأساليب التوعية والتعريف والتشارك. - رفع مستوى الحقوق والحريات العامة من خلال المناصرة والضغط والرصد والحشد. - تحسين مستوى المرأة والطفل وتطوير التعاطي مع قضاياهم من مختلف الجوانب. - تشجيع المبادرات الشبابية الإبداعية والمجتمعية المحلية. - المرأة - الطفل - الشباب - كل مايتعلق بحقوق الإنسان  yes
Madhoon Foundation for Community Development The Foundation works to achieve the following objectives: 1) To contribute to building a strong community through the achievement of social justice and peace; and uphold the values of tolerance and constructive dialogue; and combat the culture of extremism in all its forms, and promote a culture of participation and acceptance of others among community groups. 2) To work with stakeholders and... Madhoon Foundation for Community Development (MFD) is a non-governmental organization, exercising (social, developmental and juristic) activities. It seeks to contribute effectively in building a strong Yemeni society dominated by the values of tolerance and constructive dialogue. It aims to provide the members of the society with sufficient education and training, and the real ability to manage...  yes