منظمة أعوان العدالة
- gender - female
- gender - male
- age group - children
- age group - youth
- age group - elderly
- special needs
- other
- Adan
- Al Bayda
- Amanat Al Asimah
- Dhamar
- Ibb
- Sadah
- Sanaa
- Taizz
- Agriculture
- Civil Participation
- Climate and Environmental Protection
- Conflict Management
- Coordination and Support Services
- Culture
- Education
- Food
- Gender
- Governance, Institutional Development
- Health
- Human Rights
- Infrastructure and Rehabilitation
- Protection / Rule of Law
- Refugees and IDPs
- Religion
- Rural Development
- Shelter and Non-food Items
- Training and Organizational Support
- Urban Development
- Youth Child Care