
FREEDOM FOUNDATION for media freedom, rights and development مؤسسة حرية

General Information
Fields of Interest (Focus Areas): 
Freedom Foundation for media freedom, rights and development is a Yemeni non-governmental and non-profit organization, focusing on protecting press and media freedom and media development in Yemen. Its Founder and president is the Yemeni journalist Khaled al-Hamamdi, the winner of the International Press Freedom Award 2011 from Canadian Journalists for Free Expression. Vision: Advancing Media Freedom..Promoting Democracy and Human Rights. Mission: Freedom Foundation.. is a volunteer non-government foundation and local initiative for monitoring anti- media freedom violations and for press rights’ advocacy as well as for media development to strength media capabilities as a vital actor in rising awareness and advancing freedom, democracy and human rights in Yemen, through networking with local, regional and international organizations to be an excellent and pioneer in its field.
Organisation Objectives: 
Objectives: - Monitoring violations against Media freedom and rights. - Advocating media, defending press freedom and rights. - Advancing press freedom and free expression. - Rising awareness of democracy and human rights. - Developing Media and journalists’ profession and skills.
Organisation Activities (Completed and ongoing Projects): 
Programs and Projects: - Monitoring press freedom violations. - Advocacy and providing legal support to media. - Quality and world-class training for media. - Promoting Human rights. - Democracy development. مؤسسة حرية، للحقوق والحريات الإعلامية والتطوير، هي منظمة يمنية غير حكومية، تهتم برصد الانتهاكات والدفاع عن الحريات الاعلامية والقيام بعمليات المناصرة وتوفير الدعم القانوني للإعلاميين والتطوير الاعلامي بمعايير عالمية. الرؤية: نرتقي بحرية الإعلام.. لتعزيز الديمقراطية وحقوق الانسان الرسالة: مؤسسة حرّية.. مؤسسة طوعية ومبادرة محلية لرصد الانتهاكات لحرية الإعلام والمناصرة لحقوق الصافيين والتطوير الاعلامي، وتنمية القدرات الاعلامية للإضطلاع بدورها في الارتقاء بالوعي وتعزيز الحرية والديمقراطية وحقوق الانسان في اليمن، بالتشبيك مع منظمات مماثلة محلية وإقليمية ودولية، تحقيقا للتميّز والريادة. الأهداف: • رصد الانتهاكات للحقوق والحريات الإعلامية. • مناصرة الصحافيين والدفاع عن حقوقهم وحرياتهم. • الارتقاء بالحريات الصحافية والاعلامية وحرية التعبير. • تنمية الوعي الحقوقي وتعزيز الديمقراطية وحقوق الإنسان. • تطوير مهارات ومهنية الاعلاميين وفق المعايير العالمية.
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
Govermental licence confirmed: 
not yet visited
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Conflict Management
Governance, Institutional Development
Human Rights
Media and Information
Protection / Rule of Law
Training and Organizational Support
Target Group: Gender, Age, Disabilities: 
gender - female
gender - male
age group - youth
age group - elderly
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Ad Dali
Al Bayda
Al Hudaydah
Al Jawf
Al Mahrah
Al Mahwit
Amanat Al Asimah
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
Khaled al-Hammadi خالد الحمادي
Contact Person's Postion: 
President رئيس
Contact eMail Address :
Jobs / Internships / Volunteers

Civic Democratic Initiative Support Foundation- CDF

General Information
Fields of Interest (Focus Areas): 
Democratic and Civil Rights and conflict resolutions
Organisation Objectives: 
Strength democratic and civic initiative in the Yemen society through Democratic Values, Human Rights principles and Equal Opportunities.
Organisation Activities (Completed and ongoing Projects): 
1- Good Governance (Decentralization, Judiciary programs). 2- Democracy (Civic education, Increasing democracy participation, Monitoring) 3. Women’s Rights(Eliminating early marriage camping ( Advocacy and Lobbying), Resisting Violence Against women- VAW, Rural Women Human Rights and Economic Empowerment , Judicial and Cultural VAW Resisting integration within Rural Yemen social Systems Project) 4- Policy(NGOs Law Amendments, Parliamentarians Awareness Raising and Legislation Lobbying, 5-Shadow Reports) 6- Tribal Conflict Resolution 7- Youth
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
Govermental Licence Details: 
Govermental licence confirmed: 
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Civil Participation
Conflict Management
Governance, Institutional Development
Human Rights
Local Economic Development, Employment Generation
Media and Information
Protection / Rule of Law
Rural Development
Training and Organizational Support
Youth Child Care
Target Group: Gender, Age, Disabilities: 
gender - female
gender - male
age group - children
age group - youth
age group - elderly
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Ad Dali
Al Bayda
Al Hudaydah
Al Jawf
Al Mahrah
Al Mahwit
Amanat Al Asimah
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
Sultana Al-Jeham
Contact Person's Postion: 
Executive Director
Contact eMail Address :

مؤسسة الأجيال للتنمية - اليمن - Allageal Foundation For Development - Yemen

General Information
Fields of Interest (Focus Areas): 
مؤسسة شبابية - طوعية - تنموية - حقوقية
Organisation Objectives: 
1. إيجاد جيل واعي ومثقف . 2. تنمية قدرات الشباب في كافة المجالات . 3. تعميق مبدأ الولاء الوطني ونبذ التطرف والإرهاب والعصبية القبلية . 4. تعزيز العمل الطوعي في نفوس الشباب . 5. نشر ثقافة الحوار البناء والتسامح والإيثار. 6. تعزيز مفاهيم الديمقراطية وحقوق الإنسان. 7. رفع مستوى الوعي لدى المهمشين والعمل على دمجهم في المجتمع.
Organisation Activities (Completed and ongoing Projects): 
عدد من الأنشطة التي قامت بها المؤسسة • المعرض التشجيري و الهندسي الأول بذمار . • حملة التوعية بأضرار المخدرات لطلاب وطالبات المدارس الثانوية بذمار . • حملة الإرشاد الزراعي بمديريات عنس ومغرب عنس وعتمه بمحافظة ذمار ومديرية القفر بمحافظة إب. • دورات تأهيلية لأعضاء المؤسسة وجمعية الوفاء الخيرية بذمار. • رعاية حفل تخرج دفعة الأجيال بالمعهد العالي للعلوم الصحية – قسم الصيدلة . • ندوات ومحاضرات في حقوق الطفل ، حقوق المرأة ، مفاهيم حقوق الإنسان ، التمييز العنصري ، المواثيق والبروتوكولات الدولية والمحلية لحقوق الإنسان ، ذمار. • برنامج الصحة والسعادة والنجاح ، برنامج تدريبي ، ذمار ، د/ عبد الغني سكندر . • المشاركة في برنامج ليالي المنوعات الخيري وتوزيع كسوة اليتيم خلال شهر رمضان المبارك وعيد الأضحى • العديد من الأنشطة والحملات التوعوية والشبابية الحقوقية والتشجيرية . • المشاركة في العديد من الورش والمؤتمرات المحلية والدولية كان آخرها المشاركة في مؤتمر حوار الحضارات بمدينة الدوحة – قطر . • برنامج إعداد محاضرين لعدد من القيادات الشابة بذمار. • حملة (وطني أرقى) تضمن نظافة لعدد من شوارع المحافظة وبرامج توعوية في نشر ثقافة الحوار ومفاهيم الديمقراطية والسلام والإيثار . • حملة (أدلي بصوتك) للتوعية بأهمية الانتخابات الرئاسية المبكرة . • إقامة أمسيات شعرية وقصصية وندوات ثقافية بذمار . • برنامج إعداد مدربين في مجال حقوق الإنسان .
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
Govermental licence confirmed: 
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Civil Participation
Climate and Environmental Protection
Governance, Institutional Development
Human Rights
Media and Information
Refugees and IDPs
Rural Development
Water and Sanitation
Youth Child Care
Target Group: Gender, Age, Disabilities: 
gender - female
gender - male
age group - children
age group - youth
age group - elderly
special needs
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Al Bayda
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
رياض عبدالعزيز صريم
Contact Person's Postion: 
رئيس المؤسسة
Contact eMail Address :
Jobs / Internships / Volunteers
Time Period: 
من 2012 وحتى 2014 م
Needed Skills: 
التعاون والدعم ورفد البرامج التي تقوم بها المؤسسة بالكتيبات أو المنشورات أو المطبوعات التي تخص وتفيد مثل تلك البرامج
Learning Possibilities: 
التدريب على : برامج حقوق الإنسان مهارات العرض والإلقاء التوعية بأضرار المخدرات تدريب مدربين التوعية بالسن الآمن للزواج كيف تحقق ذاتك وترتقي في الحياة الاتصال والتواصل إستراتيجية النجاح برنامج كيف تحصل على الصحة والسعادة والنجاح

مؤسسسة الأجيال مؤسسة شبابية تأسست في 19 / 4 / 2008م
يعمل بها شباب من خيرة شباب محافظة ذمار في إطار العمل الطوعي الشبابي والذي يهدف إلى ترسيخ مبادئ العمل الطوعي وإيجاد جيل واعي ومثقف مبادر للعمل والخير
برغم عدم إصدار التصريح إلا أن المؤسسة عملت في عدة مجالات منها حقوق الإنسان والحملات التوعوية بترسيخ مبادئ الديمقراطية ومفاهيم التسامح والإيثار وفي المجال الزراعي أيضاً الاهتمام بالمواهب الشبابية في الجانب الأدبي والثقافي والإنشادي والغنائي
كما أنها قدمت العديد من البرامج والدورات التدريبية في مجالات التنمية البشرية وإعداد محاضرين وتدريب مدربين وفي المجال القيادي والإداري

Helping Hand Org

General Information
Fields of Interest (Focus Areas): 
Restoration of historical Forts, Castles and temples, development , Agricultural aid, orphanes, Organize events that support youth • Job Assistance, Social Services, Self Improvement Program (SIP) for Youth & Adult, Community improvement program, Educational Support Program, Train & educate farmers in better & easy ways to use water & irrigation systems around Yemen, Desertification fighting programs and anti terrorist program.
Organisation Objectives: 
Goal 1: Gain financial sustainability and donors' satisfaction and trust. Goal 2: Effectively utilize the means of mass communication. Goal 3: Assist and empower the people in need. Goal 4: Develop highly responsive and professional leadership, staff, and volunteers Goal 5: Develop effective disaster and emergency response
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
Govermental licence confirmed: 
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Civil Participation
Coordination and Support Services
Human Rights
Infrastructure and Rehabilitation
Local Economic Development, Employment Generation
Protection / Rule of Law
Rural Development
Rural Roads
Shelter and Non-food Items
Small and Micro Enterprises Development
Training and Organizational Support
Urban Development
Water and Sanitation
Youth Child Care
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Ad Dali
Al Mahrah
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
Abdullah Seger
Contact Person's Postion: 
Contact eMail Address :

ALMethag Dev.&socialty Association

General Information
Fields of Interest (Focus Areas): 
Charter Association of Social Development youth organization independent non-profit organization was founded by a group of young men and young women from the province of Marib and were granted a permit number (451) from the Office of Social Affairs and Labour on 07.15.2006 AD Vision: Leadership in the rehabilitation and capacity building of youth Marib Message: We seek association development to community development through the rehabilitation and empowerment of youth, training and capacity building. Values: - Transparency - The continued development - Community participation - Commitment to Community message: Work with young people and for young people
Organisation Objectives: 
Objectives: - Enable young people to acquire the skills necessary to join the labor market. - To contribute to a culture of moderation and rejection of extremism. - Improve the overall situation of young people socially, culturally and politically. - Networking and coordination with local and foreign companies operating in Yemen in the field of community development.
Organisation Activities (Completed and ongoing Projects): 
Programs of the Association: 1 - Empowerment Program  Objective: - to contribute to youth empowerment and activation of their participation in community development  Number of those who were targeted in the program activities (108) people Implemented now, the Assembly of the Charter of the draft community mobilization in partnership with the response, which mainly targets the rehabilitation of 100 young men and women on democratic participation and social actors for the development of communities and is a sub-participation of 400 young men and women make up the twentieth community group and the target indirect twentieth community in the province of Marib 2 - a program from conflict to development  Objective: - To contribute to the reduction of the impact of conflict on human development and in the province of Marib  Number of those who were targeted 6330 people 3 - Culture and Society program  Objective: - Raising awareness of cultural and health among young people  Number of those who were targeted in the program activities (385) people 4 - Takaful  Objective: - to contribute to alleviate the suffering of poor families  Number of those who were targeted in the program activities (720) people  project was implemented in the distribution of clothes and the youth aimed at children of both sexes about 6000 people / blankets and Tarahat targeting about 300 families (in partnership with the Organization of Islamic Relief funding the Islamic Cultural Center - Panama)
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
Govermental Licence Details: 
Govermental licence confirmed: 
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Civil Participation
Human Rights
Training and Organizational Support
Target Group: Gender, Age, Disabilities: 
gender - female
gender - male
age group - youth
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
huseen ali alsubaiy
Contact Person's Postion: 
President of the organization
Contact eMail Address :

جمعية الآفاق لتنمية أنشطة المرأة ـ قرية حارات ـ اعبوس

General Information
Fields of Interest (Focus Areas): 
تستهدف جمعية الآفاق المرأة الريفية في قرية حارات ـ منطقة الأعبوس ـ مديرية حيفان ـ الجمهورية اليمنية
Organisation Objectives: 
تهتم جميعة الآفاق بتنمية أنشطة المرأة الريفية في المجالات الاقتصادية والاجتماعية المختلفة واعادة تفعيل الحرف اليدوية القديمة، وتشجيع الناس على الاشتغال بها وكذا صيانة مدرجاتهم الزراعية والحفاظ على الشجرة والبيئة بصفة عامة .. فضلا عن اهتماماتها في تعليم المرأة الريفية مهارات الخياطة والتطريز والنقش والغزل وغيرها من الأنشطة النسوية
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
Govermental Licence Details: 
Govermental licence confirmed: 
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Civil Participation
Local Economic Development, Employment Generation
Training and Organizational Support
Target Group: Gender, Age, Disabilities: 
gender - female
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
عبد الرحمن سيف اسماعيل
Contact Person's Postion: 
المدير التنفيذي
Contact eMail Address :

عطاء بلا حدود

General Information
Organisation Objectives: 
Objectives of the Association giving unlimited social and cultural development charity 1. Establishing national principles and values ​​in the hearts of young men and women. 2. To disseminate the values ​​of tolerance and deepening of democratic thought and the spirit of good citizenship and peaceful coexistence between members of the community and contribute to the dissemination of the values ​​of equality and work on the integration of young people in education and serve the public interest 3. Capacity Development for the manufacture of leading figures of both sexes in society. 4. Create projects in cooperation with the supporting organizations, companies and jurisdictions to fund young people to reduce unemployment and to help poor households to benefit the youth and the community to solve their problems 5. Promote freedom of expression and accept the other opinion. 6. Reviving the positive spirit and initiative among young people to reduce conflicts for the continued development and creating a dialogue between young people in the Arab world. 7. The development of cognitive capacities of young people and help them find jobs through their rehabilitation in various development fields. 8. Develop a spirit of creativity and culture, science and knowledge among young men and women. 9. The development of intellectual capacity, cultural, scientific, creative and sports among the youth and young women. 10. Pay attention to women in various aspects of the activation and role in society. 11. To reduce poverty and help poor families through the rehabilitation work and exhibitions of their work as well as the rehabilitation of those able to work them. 12. Awareness in all areas of health, social, and raise a generation in favor of a healthy, socially and intellectually. 13. Develop a spirit of cooperation and teamwork among the young men and women. 14. Developing a sense of creativity, aesthetic and educational at all levels of society, lectures, symposiums, literary evenings and public cultural, pamphlets, posters and appropriate guidance and various workshops.
Govermental Licence
Govermental licence: 
Govermental licence confirmed: 
Organisation Field
Field of Work: 
Organisations Regions of Work: 
Contact Details
Contact Person: 
yaser alhaidry
Contact Person's Postion: 
رئيس الجمعية
Contact eMail Address :