Sawt Elghad Yemen Direct

معلومات عامة
إهتمامات المنظمة : 
Our Mission Sawt Elgehad Yemen Direct (SEYD) is a non-profit, non-governmental Yemeni organization committed to protect, build and develop the future of Yemen. Our Vision Sawt Elgehad Yemen Direct strives to be model for non-governmental organizations, which embody the partnership for protection, building and development. Organizational History SEYD is registered as Yemeni NGO worked during the period 2006- 2010 for donor institutions ADRA, WFP, DFID and for other two Yemeni organizations. SEYD managed successfully during the period 2006 and 2010 small projects with budget located between 18 and 300 thousand USD, WEP and ADRA contracted YD 2-4 times period for almost the same projects. SEYD will cooperate to implement YNDC activities with two local NGOs, theses NGOs have practical experiences in community development projects especially addressed women and youth, organizing and implementing of training seminars is one of their strength. SEYD consists of professional consultants, researchers in social fields of studies and young men and women management personals (Manager, Accountant, Secretary personals) Priority Issues: SEYD’s strategic plan for 2012-2013 selected the projects below: 1. Social Cohesion and Conflict Resolution Project. 2. Early Recovery Project for the livelihoods of the displaced people (Abyan) 3. Comprehensive Dialogue Project. 4. Voter Education Project. 5. Support Health and Opinion Project. 6. Experiences and Opportunities Project. 7. Control Project to combat the financial and administrative corruption. 8. Support Cleaners Project. 9. Oversight and Support Elections Project. 10. Response Project to the youth discussion forums. 11. The First National Dialogue Conference for the marginalized project. 12. Justice and Security Survey Project. SEYD have been implemented the projects which are: • Social Cohesion and Conflict Resolution Project –Funded by UNDP • Early Recovery Project for the livelihoods of the displaced people ( Abyan) –Funded by OCHA. The projects that are under implement are: • Electoral Awareness Project (your voice protects Yemen)Free for Supreme Commission for Elections and electoral support project UNDP. • Support Health and Opinion Project -Funded by UNDP implement by Youth Organization.
أهداف المنظمة: 
Sawt Elgehad Yemen Direct aims to: 1. Protecting the country (the Republic of Yemen) through the protection of social rights in general and the intellectual and political rights in particular. 2. Building the nation (the Republic of Yemen) through the implementation of development projects, community and help the Yemeni community in the development of himself and the fight against all causes of underdevelopment, poverty, disease and tyranny of ideas and work to find an important role in the oversight of government performance and the fight against corruption and rooting and us good governance. 3. Developing the future of the country (the Republic of Yemen) through studies and research, projects and ideas that will develop the future of society and the nation.
أنشطة المنظمة (المشاريع القائمة و المنتهية) : 
Sawt Elgehad Yemen Direct conducts: • Studies and Research of the phenomena and social needs, political and economic, which determines the needs of the community. • Project preparation and formulation activities tailored to to achieve the needs of civil society on the basis of field studies and research prior. • Achievement of the development by formulating the goals and focusing the activates on economy return for the community. • Ensure the level of performance of the organization through the use of several supportive activities, including training, consulting and studies by the Office of Yemen Direct consultant Council of the Organization. • Alliances and networking with other organizations working in Yemen (local and international) • Provide technical and advisory support to organizations allied and non-allied to achieve upgrading the performance of those organizations. • Support the rights and freedoms, culture and preservation of cultural heritage and technical support and good governance through Community cultural and national awareness of the organization
الترخيص الحكومي
الترخيص الحكومي: 
تفاصيل الترخيص الحكومي: 
تأكيد الترخيص الحكومي: 
التحقق من صحة معلومات المنظمة: 
not yet visited
توجهات المنظمة
مجال العمل: 
المشاركة المدنية
إدارة النزاع
خدمات الدعم و التنسيق
التنمية المؤسسية والحكم
حقوق الإنسان
البنية التحتية و إعادة التأهيل
تنمية الاقتصاد المحلي، خلق فرص عمل
اللاجئين و النازحين
التنمية الريفية
تنمية المنشآت الصغيرة و الأصغر
التدريب و دعم المنظمات
التنمية الحضرية
رعاية الشباب و الأطفال
الفئات المستهدفة: الجنس، العمر، الإعاقة : 
الجنس – أنثى
الجنس – ذكر
الفئة العمرية – أطفال
الفئة العمرية – شباب
الفئة العمرية - كبار
النطاق الجغرافي لعمل المنظمة : 
أمانة العاصمة
معلومات الإتصال
مسئول الإتصال: 
منصب مسئول الإتصال : 
President of Organization
Postal Code:
البلد :
تدريب/ عمل طوعي/ وظائف
وظائف شاغرة: 
عمل طوعي
الفترة الزمنية : 
العام 2013 الى 2014
الإحتياجات/ المهارات : 
مطلوب 2050 موظف 410 وظيفة ادارية 147 وظيفة مالية 1493 وظيفة مهنية حرفية متنوعة
التعليم/ التركيز : 
في جميع المستويات مشروع فرص العمل ودعم مصادر العيش