Most of the NGO/CSO Directory is run and maintained by volunteers. Without them, there would be no Directory. However, there is still a lot more to do. We are happy with more helping hands in our team. It does not require much time, one or two hours a week is already much appreciated.
The following tasks need help.
You know what is going on around you? Become a scout! We need people that know their surroundings and realize which organisations are still missing here. Scouts get in touch with the organisations in their community and help them to become listed in the directory.
You are quick with computers? Perfect! Not all organisations that do value work in their community can handle the computer and the internet perfectly. There you come in and help! With your help, they do not stay behind and can do even better!
From English to Arabic or from Arabic to English is easy for you? Not for everybody! Help to translate the organisations' information to the other languages.
You do not only speak English and Arabic, but also PHP? Then this is the right place for you, help tweaking the Directory and make it even better!
Sounds good? Then please get in touch!!